Standard and Recommended Strains
NBRP Paramecium maintains about 1,000 strains of 24 species.
We provide 6 strains of P. caudatum, P. bursaria, and P. tetraurelia with a particularly large number of users, as "standard strains",
and recommend to use the other 53 strains of the 24 species as "recommended strains" (see table below).
For detailed information of these strains, click each stock name.
All strains in the table can be shipped within one week after receiving the MTA.
All strains in the table can be shipped within one week after receiving the MTA.
- Contact us for strains not listed in this table.
National BioResource Project (NBRP)-Paramecium Lab: nbrpcm( ) replace ( ) with@ - P. tetraurelia strain 51 (PA040011A), P. caudatum strain My43C3d (PC121015B), P. multimicronucleatum strain M03c4 (PM024002A), P. bursaria strains Dd1g (PB032001A) and KM2g (PB031002A) are strains in which macronucleus genomes had been sequenced. Strain Yad1g1N (PB031010B) is a strain used for transcriptome analysis.
- The strain whose name ends with 1N or NC64A is a strain in which the cloned symbiotic Chlorella variabilis strain 1N or NC64A is infected to aposymbiotic white strain from which the original symbiotic algae had been removed. Therefore, these strains bear genetically homogeneous Chlorella in their cytoplasm.
As to strain 1N: P. bursaria strain OS1g was collected by Mr. Ohmori of Dr. Isoji Miwa Lab at 2002 from Itako city, Japan. Later, Dr. Miho Nakahara (Hiroshima University) cloned its symbiotic Chlorella, and named it strain 1N. The 1N cells were re-infected to aposymbiotic P. bursaria OS1w and Yad1w cells respectively, and named strains OS1g1N (Kodama et al. Protoplasma 230, 61-67, 2007) and Yad1g1N (Kodama, Fujishima. Protoplasma 248, 325-337, 2011). The species name of the 1N strain was initially identified as Chlorella vulgaris, but was later changed to C. variabilis (Kodama, Fujishima. Protist 163, 658-670, 2012). The 1N genome is not sequenced yet but used for its host RNAseq analysis (Kodama et al, BMC genomics 2014, 15: 183) and the Yad1g1N is widely used for endosymbiotic studies with P. bursaria.
As to strain NC64A: Karakashian SJ (1963) cloned a symbiotic Chlorella strain NC64A from a wild strain (strain name unknown) of P. bursaria (syngen 1 at that time) collected from the US (shown in Reisser et al. Symbiosis 6, 253-270, 1988). This strain is maintained outside of the host cells for over 50 years and was mainly used for infection with Chlorella virus PBCV-1, but in 2010 the species name was determined to be C. variabilis(Hoshina et al. Phycol Res, 58, 188-201, 2010). Nuclear genome of the NC64A was sequenced in 2010 (Blanc et al. Plant Cell 22, 2943-2955, 2010) and was used for RNAseq analysis during infection of PBCV-1 in 2014 (Rowe et al. PLoS ONE 9 (3): e90988). In 2016, a reinfection experiment with the strain Yad1w of P. bursaria was conducted, confirming that the infectivity of the NC64A was maintained after 50 years (Kodama, Fujishima. Biology Open 5, 1, 55-61, 2016). As well as 1N, this strain is also expected to be used for the study of the secondary endosymbiosis.
- The strains with “w” at the end of the strain name of P. bursaria is white aposymbiotic strains obtained from symbiotic green strains by treatment with cycloheximide (Kodama, Fujishima. Protist 159, 3, 483-494, 2008).
- Regarding description of P. bursaria syngens
In P. bursaria, six syngens had been described by Bomford (J Protozool. 13, 497, 1966), and it is known that the syngens and mating types of P. bursaria collected in Japan are any of the four mating types (I to IV) of Bomford’s syngen 1. In 2012, however, Greczel-Stachura et al (Protist 163, 671-685, 2012) reclassified the P. bursaria syngens into five. To distinguish their five syngens from Bomford's six syngens, they renamed B1 to B6 for Bomford's syngens and R1 to R5 for their syngens. Inconveniently, Japanese strains belonging to syngen 1 in Bomford’s classification were classified into syngen R3 in Greczel-Stachura et al’s classification. According to Greczel-Stachura et al (2012), NBRP Paramecium decided to use the B1 to B6 syngen names from June 2021. That is, the old syngen 1 becomes syngen B1 (or syngen R3) (see table above).
Last letter of resource ID | Provide conditions |
A | Without conditions |
B | Required to cite the reference which specifies the depositor when research results are published. |
C | Required to acknowledge the depositor when research results are published. |
D | Requires written approval from the depositor prior to strain distribution. |
** When publishing research results using the following strains whose ID numbers end with B, it is necessary to cite the paper specified by the developer of each strain.
P. caudatum, My43C3d (PC121015B)
A paper requested to be cited:McGrath CL, Gout JF, Doak TG, Yanagi A, Lynch M. Genetics. Insights into three whole-genome duplications gleaned from the Paramecium caudatum genome sequence. Genetics 197(4), 1417-1428, 2014.
P. bursaria, Yad1g1N (PB031010B)
A paper requested to be cited:Kodama Y, Fujishima M. Endosymbiosis of Chlorella species to the ciliate Paramecium bursaria alters the distribution of the host’s trichocysts beneath the host cell cortex.Protoplasma 248, 325-337, 2011. Doi:10.1007/s00709-010-0175-z